Last updated April 1, 2022
Maureen Jacqueline Toolen Personal Page!
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My Bio, Portrait, Nuclear Family + Pics
My Nuclear FamilyMy 11 Pics
I haven't yet submitted a brief bio; I likely will do so soon.
My Portrait Important Details
Birthday: Mar 9, 1967 # Pics: 11
Birthplace: My Gen: 10
Birth Note: My site ID: h276
Current Res: My Chart: Val 1937
Please read!
Education: West Philadelphia Catholic Girls HS
Occupation: Antique Dealer at Self Employed and Loving It
Fave Topics:
Fun Fact(s):
Misc Stuff: People call me 'Reenie'
Me back in about 4th grade.
Family Portrait My Nuclear Family
My Parents
Father:    Joseph Francis Toolen (?-?)
Mother:    Valkry Greta Schaeffer (Aug 12, 1937—)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
Spouse 1:    Nicholas Joseph D'Agostino (Nov 14, 1958—)
        m. 1988 (place unknown)
(Dad):           (—)
(Mom):           (—)
Children:    Nicholas Joseph (Nov 30, 1988—)
   Lauren Ashley (May 31, 1990—)
   Anthony (Nov 22, 1994—)
   Gianna Rose (May 6, 2000—)
   Vincent (Apr 12, 2002—)
Me with Donna and Harold Anthony.
All 11 Photos of Maureen!
I have 11 pics available here (shown below.) Recent pics should always be available for others to view, so I'm going to try to find some. Meanwhile, perhaps if you have any recent pics of me, you will contribute them!
Nick and Maureen at family gathering. Maureen, Harold and Donna. Kathleen, Joe, Maureen, Jim, and Janet. Christmas at the Toolen house. Maureen. School photo. Joe, Val, Janet, Maureen, Kathleen with Dad.
p11989/22/2001 p4732001 p13051990's p8411980's p8311977 p8101970's
800 x 690, 120K 800 x 518, 98K 800 x 624, 119K 800 x 604, 78K 800 x 970, 138K 800 x 530, 121K

Maureen Toolen. School uniform. Christmas at the Toolen house. Janet, Joe, Maureen, and Jim. Easter at Burt's. Joe, Janet, Jim, and Maureen. Christmas Card. Maureen
p8161970's p8341970's p8061968-04 p8051960's p18520th c.
800 x 1058, 159K 800 x 766, 122K 800 x 680, 186K 800 x 1381, 160K 177 x 266, 8K
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.