Last updated April 1, 2022
Estelle Williams Personal Page!
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My Bio, Portrait, Nuclear Family + Pics
My Nuclear FamilyMy 94 Pics
Perhaps someone who knew me will submit a brief bio for me? If you knew me, please consider helping out everybody by submitting a few words about me (and pics, if you have any.)
My Portrait Important Details
Birthday: Aug 24, 1908 # Pics: 94
Birthplace: Pitt Co., NC My Gen: 7
Birth Note: My site ID: h146
Last Res: My Chart: Burlie 1901
Please read!
Date: Mar 20, 1997 Plc: Ferndale, MD Burial:
Estelle passed on Mar 20, 1997, in Ferndale, MD; more details will follow as they become available.
Fave Topics:
Fun Fact(s):
Misc Stuff:
Me with April and David
Family Portrait My Nuclear Family
My Parents
Father:    William Seth Williams (?-?)
Mother:    Lucy Philips (?-)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
Spouse 1:    Burlie Nelson, Sr (1901-1949)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown); d. (yr ???)
(Dad):           (—)
(Mom):           (—)
Children:    Burlie, Jr (Oct 16, 1925—Jan, 2018)
   Lorraine (Sep 17, 1927—)
   Leitha Mae (Sep 1, 1931—Aug 7, 2006)
Spouse 2:    Harry Blase (-)
        m. (date unknown), Elkton, MD
(Dad):           (—)
(Mom):           (—)
Me with John, Lorraine, Chuck, Leitha Mae, Burlie and Dorothy
Photos 1-60 (of 94) of Estelle!
I have 94 pics available here (pics 1-60 shown below.) I am unable to submit additional pics myself; if you have any not shown below, perhaps you will contribute them?
All My Pics: 1-6061-94
Nana and Tiny. Mom, Aunt Mae, and Nana at Buddie and Dot's. N.C. Nana and Tiny at Buddie and Dot's. N.C. Jeremy, John, Jackie, Fred, Lisa, Kristin, Lorraine, and Estelle. Nana at Buddy and Dot's. Harold with Mom and Nana, Wedding Day.
p6431990's p9481990's p9491990's p11331990's p6611989-07 p3251988
800 x 748, 168K 800 x 539, 143K 800 x 1364, 192K 800 x 557, 135K 800 x 800, 112K 800 x 685, 181K

Nana. Picnic Day in the Back Yard Aunt Dot and Nana at Nana's 75th birthday party. Nana and Hazel with Lorraine and Mark. Lossie, Thurman, Estelle, and Jessie. Chuck and Nana. Check out the shorts.
p6331986 p15651980's p6571983 p6631983 p6711981-07 p4901980's
800 x 934, 106K 1200 x 1269, 437K 800 x 1079, 174K 800 x 757, 138K 800 x 558, 89K 800 x 560, 114K

Cathy, Chuck, and Nana. Nana and a big southern supper. Cathy and Nana at the beach. Nana soaking up the rays. Nana with Mom and Dad. Cape May Lewis ferry. Nana at Mom and Dad's.
p6041980's p6301980's p6451980's p6471980's p6621980's p6661980's
800 x 500, 85K 800 x 711, 123K 800 x 789, 136K 800 x 780, 125K 800 x 667, 125K 800 x 896, 112K

Estelle and Lossie. N.C. Mom and Nana with Christan. Becky, Christa, John, Buddie, Dot, Nana, and Aunt Mae. Nana, Lorraine, Becky, and Christan. Pete, Hazel, Estelle, Selma, and David. David, Mae, Estelle, and Mark. Deptford, N.J.
p6671980's p8571980's p9951980's p9971980's p12391980's p12531980's
800 x 613, 102K 800 x 648, 90K 800 x 584, 99K 800 x 696, 96K 800 x 778, 163K 800 x 600, 109K

Lorraine, Buddy, Mae, and Estelle. Robersonville, N.C. John, Nana, Lorraine, Chuck, Mae, Buddy, and Dot. Lorraine, Estelle, Steve, Mae, and Lorraine. Wedding day. Dot, Estelle, Lorraine, John, Buddy, April, and Mae. Estelle and Mae. Lorraine's wedding. Estelle, April, and David.
p13001980's p13011980's p13121980's p13811980's p13961980's p14221980's
800 x 896, 160K 800 x 428, 100K 800 x 651, 105K 800 x 738, 162K 800 x 1117, 155K 800 x 1181, 169K

Dot, April, Estelle, and Mae. Michael, Toni, and Estelle. Buddy, Lorraine, Estelle, and Mae. All-Star Game Day Nana, southern lady. Nana and Lossie with Lossie's grandchild.
p14391980's p14431980's p14481980's p15601977 p6371972-05 p6461972-05
800 x 574, 81K 800 x 774, 175K 800 x 826, 185K 1200 x 1207, 369K 800 x 938, 137K 800 x 891, 135K

Nana, Mom, and Dad with Chuck and Gail in backyard. N.J. Nana, Mom, and Dad with Chuck and Gail in backyard. N.J. Everybody looking at the camera this time. Jessie, Addie, Thurman, Estelle, and Lossie. Dad and Nana, on vacation. Lorraine, Nana, Dot, and Mae at Chuck's wedding. Nana and Lossie.
p5191970's p5451970's p5911970's p6351970 p6391970's p6421970's
800 x 839, 134K 800 x 826, 171K 800 x 590, 134K 800 x 586, 117K 800 x 599, 139K 800 x 718, 112K

Jessie, Addie, Lossie, Estelle, and Chuck. Jessie, Addie, Lossie, Thurman, and Estelle. Addie, Thurman, Lossie, Jessie, and Estelle. Thurman, Estelle, Lossie, Addie, Jessie, Seth, Mamie. Lorraine, Estelle, Buddy, and Mae. Robersonville, N.C. Lorraine, Buddy, Estelle, and Mae. Deptford, N.J.
p6591970's p6601970's p6721970's p6751970's p12521970's p12561970's
800 x 977, 186K 800 x 752, 139K 800 x 589, 107K 800 x 593, 147K 800 x 722, 161K 800 x 956, 187K

Buddy and Dot, Nana, Al and Mae, Lorraine and John. Estelle and Buddy. Reenactment dress. Buddy, Dot, and Estelle. Nana, Mom, and friend Emily. Nana's birthday. Estelle and Addie Nana's birthday party.
p13161970's p13571970's p14271961-04 p6481960-08 p6541960-08 p6361960-08
800 x 603, 105K 800 x 855, 128K 800 x 602, 100K 800 x 837, 147K 800 x 569, 82K 800 x 670, 107K

The Williams clan. Jessie, Estelle, Lossie, Lydia, and Mamie. Mom and Nana in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Nana at union protest. Estelle and Friends. Labor protest. David, Al, Sonny, Michael, Mae, Lorraine, and Estelle. Glen Bernie, MD. Buddy, Ricky, David, Mae, and Al.
p6291960's p6311960's p12001960's p12491960's p12591960's p12601960's
800 x 583, 105K 800 x 729, 119K 800 x 594, 108K 800 x 639, 112K 800 x 635, 111K 800 x 615, 92K
All My Pics: 1-6061-94
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.