Last updated April 1, 2022
Jacquelyn Marie Stadler Additional Pics!
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Photos 61-90 (of 90) of Jacquelyn Marie!
I have 90 pics available here (pics 61-90 shown below.) Recent pics should always be available for others; as I search for some, perhaps if you have any recent pics of me not shown, you will contribute them!   [Back 1 Page]   [ Back to My Main Page ]
All My Pics: 1-6061-90
John, Tricia, Jackie, Lorraine, and Fred on the deck in Mass. Jackie and Tricia at the beach. Fred, Jackie, Danny, Lisa, and Tricia. Fred and Jackie. Octoberfest. Hunter Mt. N.Y. Jackie and Fred. Chicken Dance. Hunter Mt. N.Y. Fred, Jackie, Lisa, Tricia, Lorraine, and John. Mass.
p10431970's p10511970's p10581970's p10591970's p10601970's p10811970's
800 x 565, 94K 800 x 712, 127K 800 x 619, 118K 800 x 977, 185K 800 x 922, 180K 800 x 666, 110K

Fred and Jackie, Lorraine and John. Octoberfest. Fred, Jackie, Danny, Lisa, and Tricia. Mass. Fred and Jackie. Pittsfield, Mass. Jackie, Fred, Danny, Lisa, and Tricia at Easter. Looks like Bert's house. Jackie, Lisa, Fred, and Tricia. Lisa, Fred, Tricia, and Jackie.
p10821970's p10841970's p10951970's p11081970's p11191970's p11201970's
800 x 565, 105K 800 x 970, 121K 800 x 964, 181K 800 x 891, 179K 800 x 602, 82K 800 x 579, 75K

Jackie and Gus. Octoberfest. Danny, Fred, Tricia, Lisa, and Jackie. Deptford, N.J. Fred and Jackie with Erich and Jackie's sister at the alter. Fred and Jackie. Wedding day. Jackie and Fred. Garter time. Fred and Jackie. Cake for two.
p12471970's p12801970's p111710/30/1965 p128210/30/1965 p128410/30/1965 p128510/30/1965
800 x 735, 105K 800 x 1098, 201K 800 x 557, 82K 800 x 747, 101K 800 x 818, 115K 800 x 1136, 126K

Charles, Jackie, Fred, Janet, and Erich. Jackie and Fred. Wedding portrait. Johann and Janet Stadler (Jackie sister, seated) Fred, Jackie, Danny, and Jackie. Danny, Jackie, and Fred out golfing. Jackie, Danny, and Fred.
p129610/30/1965 p129910/30/1965 p3581960's p10471960's p11071960's p11261960's
800 x 931, 152K 800 x 1075, 168K 800 x 885, 139K 800 x 494, 64K 800 x 803, 130K 800 x 933, 134K

Danny, Jackie, Fred, and Lisa. Allegheny Ave. Jackie and Fred. Relaxing at a cookout. Jackie. Petting zoo with Harold. Jackie Schaeffer at (what beach?) Twelve Family Members Gathered at the Table Twelve Family Members Gathered at the Table
p11271960's p12791960's p12861960's p22920th c. p15191900's p15201900's
800 x 932, 159K 800 x 622, 121K 800 x 724, 138K 800 x 793, 110K 1600 x 1992, 684K 1600 x 1498, 434K
All My Pics: 1-6061-90
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.