Harold and Johann with Dad on Graduation day. |
Harold, Johann, and Chuck with Dad and Grandpa fishing at the river. |
Harold with Mom and Dad. Proud parents. |
Johann, Fred, and Dad at Hunter Mountain Octoberfest. |
Carol, Johann, John, Marion, and Lorraine. Backyard. |
Chuck and Dad, at Chuck's wedding. |
p302 | • | 1970's |
p328 | • | 1970's |
p384 | • | 1970's |
p410 | • | 1970's |
p424 | • | 1970's |
p503 | • | 1970's |
800 x 1288, 179K |
800 x 712, 136K |
800 x 895, 148K |
800 x 764, 152K |
800 x 750, 134K |
800 x 634, 110K |
Mom, Dad, and Uncle Gus with Chuck and (Gail?), at Christmas. |
Nana, Mom, and Dad with Chuck and Gail in backyard. N.J. |
Mom, Dad, and Chuck at the Village Ale House. |
Harold, Hans, and Chuck with Dad, and Grandpop at the river. |
Nana, Mom, and Dad with Chuck and Gail in backyard. N.J. Everybody looking at the camera this time. |
Mom, Dad, Fred, Jackie, and Hans at Hunter mountain. |
p504 | • | 1970's |
p519 | • | 1970's |
p535 | • | 1970's |
p543 | • | 1970's |
p545 | • | 1970's |
p597 | • | 1970's |
800 x 879, 146K |
800 x 839, 134K |
832 x 684, 155K |
800 x 734, 150K |
800 x 826, 171K |
800 x 498, 122K |
Dad and Nana, on vacation. |
Dad and Sean in the pool. Probably Hershey, PA. |
Mom and Dad with Sean at confirmation. |
Dad, Mom, and Sean. |
Sean and Dad. |
Dad and Sean in the pool. Hershey, PA. |
p635 | • | 1970 |
p726 | • | 1970's |
p741 | • | 1970's |
p747 | • | 1970's |
p764 | • | 1970's |
p779 | • | 1970's |
800 x 586, 117K |
800 x 759, 121K |
800 x 718, 137K |
800 x 936, 153K |
800 x 688, 112K |
800 x 695, 114K |
Dad and Sean in the pool. Hershey, PA. |
Dad, Mom, and Sean in the spot. |
Joe, Val, Janet, Maureen, Kathleen with Dad. |
John, Tricia, Jackie, Lorraine, and Fred on the deck in Mass. |
Fred, Tricia, John, Lisa, and Lorraine out front, Mass. |
Fred, Jackie, Lisa, Tricia, Lorraine, and John. Mass. |
p782 | • | 1970's |
p783 | • | 1970's |
p810 | • | 1970's |
p1043 | • | 1970's |
p1046 | • | 1970's |
p1081 | • | 1970's |
800 x 647, 102K |
800 x 662, 127K |
800 x 530, 121K |
800 x 565, 94K |
800 x 720, 121K |
800 x 666, 110K |
Fred and Jackie, Lorraine and John. Octoberfest. |
Fred, John, Lorraine, Lisa, and Tricia. Octoberfest. N.Y. |
Johann, John, Marion, Fred, and Chuck at the river. |
Gus, Fred, and John. Octoberfest. |
Buddy and Dot, Nana, Al and Mae, Lorraine and John. |
John, Al, and Buddy. |
p1082 | • | 1970's |
p1109 | • | 1970's |
p1134 | • | 1970's |
p1248 | • | 1970's |
p1316 | • | 1970's |
p1321 | • | 1970's |
800 x 565, 105K |
800 x 583, 95K |
800 x 664, 144K |
800 x 632, 119K |
800 x 603, 105K |
800 x 628, 124K |
Lorraine, Bob, and John. |
Group Shot |
Johann and Harold with Dad at birthday party. |
Posing on the Walkway |
John Schaeffer, Johann Schaeffer, and Roman |
John Schaeffer, Roman and Johann Schaeffer |
p1472 | • | 1970's |
p1544 | • | 1969 |
p323 | • | 1960's |
p1542 | • | 5/23/1968 |
p218 | • | 1960's |
p219 | • | 1960's |
800 x 599, 112K |
1200 x 1490, 361K |
800 x 708, 106K |
800 x 1083, 225K |
800 x 797, 114K |
800 x 789, 125K |
Johann, John, Harold, and Lorraine Schaeffer. Looks like Easter |
Roman and Johann and the Wheelbarrow |
Dad with Roman and Hans. Christmas time. |
Harold, Johann, and John in Easter Duds. Check out the Mohawk. |
John, Johann, and Lorraine Schaeffer, Easter on Allegheny Ave. |
Mom and Dad with Chuck and Harold. |
p267 | • | 1960's |
p1531 | • | 1966- |
p560 | • | 1966 |
p257 | • | 1960's |
p258 | • | 1960's |
p612 | • | 1960-08 |
800 x 862, 144K |
800 x 1077, 228K |
800 x 923, 148K |
800 x 853, 129K |
800 x 867, 128K |
800 x 646, 136K |
John and Lorraine. Johann remembers the lamp. |
Becky, Kate, Lorraine, Harold, John, and Chuck. |
Harold with dad at Crystal Cave playground. |
Harold with Dad and cousin Sue. NC. |
Fred and Dad. |
Fred and John. Standing tall, looking good. |
p1482 | • | 1960-08 |
p1457 | • | 1960-08 |
p296 | • | 1960 |
p341 | • | 1960's |
p1074 | • | 1960's |
p1078 | • | 1960's |
800 x 781, 141K |
800 x 830, 173K |
800 x 1022, 197K |
800 x 917, 164K |
800 x 761, 177K |
800 x 1380, 189K |
Sonny, Al, Lorraine, Michael, John, and Lorraine. Glen Bernie, MD. |
John with one of his cars. |
Chuck and Harold on the seesaw with Dad. |
John Schaeffer and Harold Schaeffer |
Harold and Dad. |
Chuck, Jim, and Harold with Dad. Fun in the snow. |
p1265 | • | 1960's |
p1476 | • | 1960's |
p485 | • | 1959 |
p216 | • | 1958-04 |
p324 | • | 1958 |
p365 | • | 1958 |
800 x 868, 152K |
800 x 662, 117K |
800 x 642, 169K |
800 x 777, 141K |
800 x 851, 177K |
800 x 743, 136K |
Harold and Dad, playing in the snow. |
Harold with Dad. |
John and Lorraine. |
John and Lorraine with newborn son Harold. |
Buddy Nelson and John Schaeffer |
Jim and Chuck with Dad and Mom. |
p392 | • | 1958 |
p396 | • | 1958 |
p1480 | • | 1955-08 |
p297 | • | 1955 |
p210 | • | 3/8/1953 |
p875 | • | 1952 |
800 x 871, 150K |
800 x 1084, 195K |
800 x 654, 125K |
800 x 772, 138K |
1068 x 1068, 219K |
800 x 849, 171K |
John and Lorraine |
Dad with Harold and Sonny. |
Dad with Chuck and Jim. |
Dad with Jim and Chuck. Unknown young girl. |
Dad with Jim and Chuck. Looking sharp. |
Jim and Dad, fun in the snow. |
p165 | • | 8/26/1951 |
p408 | • | 1950's |
p488 | • | 1950's |
p508 | • | 1950's |
p509 | • | 1950's |
p585 | • | 1950's |
341 x 375, 17K |
800 x 706, 112K |
800 x 1175, 199K |
800 x 927, 160K |
800 x 803, 178K |
800 x 822, 107K |
Dad with Erich, Jim, and Chuck. |
Dad with Fred, Jim, and Chuck at the park. |
Dad and Val in the schoolyard. |
Fred, Tommy, Harold, and John with Pudgie at the lake. |
John and Fred. Fishing. |
Val, Erich, and Fred with Dad. |
p610 | • | 1950's |
p611 | • | 1950's |
p796 | • | 1950's |
p1125 | • | 1950's |
p1473 | • | 1950's |
p458 | • | 1940's |
800 x 797, 115K |
800 x 766, 122K |
800 x 907, 137K |
800 x 685, 176K |
800 x 861, 145K |
800 x 1126, 207K |
Dad with Jim and Chuck. |
Jim, John, Chuck, and Fred at the fountain. |
John and Bert. |
John and friend looking at a new car. |
Buddy Nelson, John Schaeffer, Jim and Chuck Dicken |
John and Lorraine Schaeffer |
p877 | • | 1940's |
p1122 | • | 1940's |
p1246 | • | 1940's |
p1451 | • | 1939 |
p95 | • | 20th c. |
p100 | • | 20th c. |
800 x 873, 165K |
800 x 766, 153K |
800 x 1101, 168K |
800 x 484, 102K |
423 x 341, 25K |
339 x 334, 26K |
John and Lorraine Schaeffer |
John and Lorraine Schaeffer |
John and Lorraine Schaeffer with Gus Neumann (in MA) |
Chuck Dicken and John Schaeffer |
John Schaeffer, Harold Schaeffer and Cathy Nelson |
John Schaeffer |
p101 | • | 20th c. |
p102 | • | 20th c. |
p103 | • | 20th c. |
p213 | • | 20th c. |
p217 | • | 20th c. |
p233 | • | 20th c. |
435 x 339, 20K |
424 x 349, 19K |
349 x 437, 29K |
800 x 766, 122K |
800 x 768, 128K |
800 x 784, 146K |
Dad with sister Edith |
p248 | • | 20th c. |
190 x 154, 11K |