Last updated April 1, 2022
Whitney Danielle Withrow Personal Page!
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My Bio, Portrait, Nuclear Family + Pics
My Nuclear FamilyMy 2 Pics
I haven't yet submitted a brief bio; I likely will do so soon.
My Portrait Important Details
Birthday: # Pics: 2
Birthplace: My Gen: 11
Birth Note: My site ID: h408
Current Res: Sumter, SC My Chart: Val 1937
Please read!
Education: Lakewood HS (grad 2009)
Central Carolina Tech College
Occupation: Retail Store Manager at AT&T
Fave Topics:
Fun Fact(s):
Misc Stuff:
This is me in the car
Family Portrait My Nuclear Family
My Parents
Father:     (—)
Mother:     (—)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
Spouse 1:    James Robert Toolen, Jr (Mar 9, 1990—)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
(Dad):           James Robert Toolen (Oct 2, 1962—)
(Mom):           Lisa Marie Frankenfield (May 9, 1969—)
Me with my hubby Jim
Both Photos of Whitney!
I have only two (2) pics available here! I promise to contribute some more pics soon; meanwhile, if you have any good pics of me, perhaps you will contribute them!
Whitney and Jim Together Whitney in a Solo Pic
p18923-4-2022 p189110-30-2020
1600 x 1982, 666K 1600 x 1982, 673K
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.