Last updated April 1, 2022
Gillian Abigail Sullivan Personal Page!
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My Bio, Portrait, Nuclear Family + Pics
My Nuclear FamilyMy 14 Pics
I haven't yet submitted a brief bio; I likely will do so soon.
My Portrait Important Details
Birthday: Oct 16, 2005 # Pics: 14
Birthplace: Goldsboro, NC My Gen: 11
Birth Note: My site ID: h202
Current Res: Lewisburg, PA My Chart: Fred 1939
Please read!
Fave Topics: Banana peppers! Banana peppers!
Fun Fact(s):
Misc Stuff:
Me with Mom, Dad and Grandma
Family Portrait My Nuclear Family
My Parents
Father:    James Sullivan (Mar 10, 1971—)
Mother:    Tricia Lynn Schaeffer (Dec 1, 1970—)
        m. 4-2-2005, Goldsboro, NC
No Spouse(s) or Kid(s) info known
Me with Mom, Dad and Leyna
All 14 Photos of Gillian!
I have 14 pics available here (shown below.) Recent pics should always be available for others to see; as I search for some, perhaps if you have any recent pics of me not shown, you will contribute them!
Kristen's Baby Shower Trish, James and Gillian Visit Mom's Trish, James and Gillian Visit Mom's Trish, James and Gillian Visit Mom's Trish, James and Gillian Visit Mom's Trish, James and Gillian Visit Mom's
p19182021-11 p18429-28-2019 p18439-28-2019 p18469-28-2019 p18479-28-2019 p18489-28-2019
1200 x 1886, 453K 1600 x 1586, 665K 1600 x 1586, 674K 1600 x 1586, 598K 1600 x 1586, 651K 1600 x 1586, 642K

Trish, James and Gillian Visit Mom's Trish and Family Visit Mom/Dad Trish and Family Visit Mom/Dad Trish and Family Visit Mom/Dad Trish and Family Visit Mom/Dad Time at the Cabin (and the Area)
p18509-28-2019 p18039-24-2019 p18049-24-2019 p18069-24-2019 p18079-24-2019 p15132008
1600 x 1586, 638K 1600 x 2510, 830K 1600 x 1586, 604K 1600 x 1586, 565K 1600 x 1586, 520K 1600 x 1982, 929K

Time at the Cabin (and the Area) Thanksgiving Dinner at Mom's House
p15142008 p164911-23-2006
1600 x 1982, 884K 1600 x 1586, 556K
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.