Last updated April 1, 2022
Allan Schaeffer Personal Page!
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My Bio, Portrait, Nuclear Family + Pics
My Nuclear FamilyMy 1 Pics
I haven't yet submitted a brief bio; I likely will do so soon.
My Portrait Important Details
Birthday: Jan 12, 1945 # Pics: 1
Birthplace: My Gen: 9
Birth Note: My site ID: h82
Current Res: My Chart: Lester 1917
Please read!
Fave Topics:
Fun Fact(s):
Misc Stuff:
Richard, Dennis, Catherine, Lester and Allan
Family Portrait My Nuclear Family
My Parents
Father:    Lester Schaeffer (May 6, 1917—)
Mother:    Catherine Gumber (-2007)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
Spouse 1:    Susan Stephens (Dec 24, 1948—)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
(Dad):           (—)
(Mom):           (—)
Richard, Dennis, Catherine, Lester and Allan
The Single Photo of Allan!
I have only one (1) pic available here! I promise to contribute some more pics soon; meanwhile, if you have any good pics of me, perhaps you will contribute them!
L-R: Richard, Dennis, Catherine, Lester and Allan
800 x 572, 131K
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.