Last updated April 1, 2022
Burlie Nelson, Jr Additional Pics!
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Photos 61-83 (of 83) of Burlie!
I have 83 pics available here (pics 61-83 shown below.) I am unable to submit additional pics myself; if you have any not shown below, perhaps you will contribute them?
Buddy. Looking serious. Buddy. Less serious. Buddy. Lady killer. Estelle, Buddy, and Agnes. Shorty, Estelle, and Buddy. Lorraine, Buddy, and Pauline.
p13561940's p13581940's p13651940's p13681940's p14121940's p14131940's
800 x 1303, 163K 800 x 977, 133K 800 x 1140, 181K 800 x 1231, 170K 800 x 1133, 172K 800 x 704, 147K

Buddy and friend. Buddy in front of the barracks. Buddy, Agnes, Lorraine, and Jim. Buddy and Jim. Agnes and Buddy. Buddy. Young boy.
p14141940's p14211940's p14281940's p14291940's p14951940's p14161930's
800 x 1130, 126K 800 x 936, 121K 800 x 713, 141K 800 x 1435, 187K 800 x 1043, 136K 800 x 1169, 196K

Burlie Jr, Leitha May, and Lorraine Birth Recs Buddy, Edward, Hugh, and Lorraine. Buddy and Agnes Buddy Nelson, Jr. Buddy Nelson Burlie Nelson and Estelle Blaise
p15121925 p14881920's p820th c. p920th c. p1020th c. p1120th c.
1600 x 1630, 646K 800 x 1238, 213K 275 x 319, 13K 505 x 323, 34K 360 x 490, 34K 234 x 328, 9K

Buddy Nelson, John Schaeffer, Jim and Chuck Dicken Buddy and Agnes Buddy and Agnes The Nelsons Estelle, Buddy, Dot and Cathy (top to bottom)
p9520th c. p9620th c. p10920th c. p20420th c. p24020th c.
423 x 341, 25K 454 x 324, 20K 354 x 505, 23K 326 x 236, 15K 1050 x 1068, 225K
All My Pics: 1-6061-83
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.