Last updated April 1, 2022
Susan Catherine Schaeffer Personal Page!
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My Bio, Portrait, Nuclear Family + Pics
My Nuclear FamilyMy Pics
I haven't yet submitted a brief bio; I likely will do so soon.
My Portrait Important Details
No portrait available!
Surely pics of Susan exist!
Perhaps you'd like to help!
Birthday: Jun 6, 1971 # Pics:
Birthplace: Dallas, TX My Gen: 10
Birth Note: My site ID: h96
Current Res: My Chart: Lester 1917
Please read!
Fave Topics:
Fun Fact(s):
Misc Stuff:
Family Portrait My Nuclear Family
No family
portrait available!
Surely family group
shots exist somewhere!
Perhaps you'd like to help!
My Parents
Father:    Richard Schaeffer (May 9, 1941—)
Mother:    Rebecca Buckley (-2020)
        m. (date unknown, place unknown)
Spouse 1:    Ross Richard Ronan (Jul 8, 1971—)
        m. 7-27-1991 (place unknown)
(Dad):           (—)
(Mom):           (—)
Children:    Reed Alan (Nov 1, 1994—)
   Donovan Louis (Oct 15, 1996—)
   Logan Peter (Oct 15, 1996—)
Zero (0) Pics of Susan!
I have zero (0) pics available here! I promise to contribute some pics soon; meanwhile, if you have any good pics of me, perhaps you will contribute them!
Surely some pics of Susan exist!
Perhaps you may like to help!
Site last updated April 1, 2022
For comments or questions, you can email Roman or (better?) post a message.